Set the stage for a positive shift in how your team views and responds to workplace conflict.

A majority of employees and supervisors understand what it means to conduct themselves in a way that fosters, enhances, and is generally consistent with a productive, professional, and respectful work environment. ARETE’s Bullying and Harassment training gives employees the skills, confidence and motivation to effectively speak up and address unwanted workplace behaviours before they escalate. Our training supports staff and supervisors in assuming responsibility and taking action to create a workplace that all team members enjoy being a part of.

  • Recognize and effectively respond to bullying and harassment

  • Understand the value of using straightforward, everyday communication

  • Identify the appropriate process to follow including responding to, witnessing, documenting, and reporting

  • Reflect on their previous actions and behaviours at work

  • Appreciate the benefits of dealing with situations before they escalate

  • Compliance with regulatory training requirements

  • Reduced turn-over and absenteeism

Realistic Approach and Skills

OnSide Workplace sets the stage for a positive shift in how individuals view and respond to workplace conflict. We present a no-nonsense, straightforward approach that encourage staff and supervisors to assume responsibility and take action to create a workplace that people enjoy being a part of.

Essential Components for Contemporary Workplaces

Workplaces are mindful of their responsibility to maintain healthy and safe work environments. Multiple sections of this training help to foster and enhance a respectful workplace.

Interactive Learning Experiences

Our learning process utilizes a multimedia approach, in which learners experience engaging video review and analysis, pre and post training surveys, numerous interactive exercises, self assessments as well as knowledge tests.

Take a Look!

  • Increase your Confidence

    It’s really not easy for most people to speak up when faced with unwelcome or harassing behaviours. This course will help employees to tap into their courage and effectively respond.

  • Effectively Respond and Intervene

    We explore communication strategies that are effective and easy to use when addressing unwanted behaviours at work.

  • Time to Hit the RESET Button

    From time to time, work teams drift offside leading to behaviours not being addressed and negative feelings growing. Our training can help to bring your team back OnSide.

Give your Team the Tools They Need to Respond Effectively