Learning Objectives

Our unique and engaging violence prevention training gives employees the confidence and skills to safely respond to the continuum of client and customer conflict, from low-level agitation through to verbal abuse, aggression and escalated in-person threats. This course is designed to create a shift in how workers perceive and respond to escalating behaviours and potential violence. As a result, workers assume greater responsibility for their safety, while recognizing their critical role in responding to situations and behaviours.

  • De-escalation Strategies | Video Review and Analysis

  • ARETE Awareness and Threat Assessment

  • Recognition of Warning Signs

  • Response to Customer Profanity, Abuse, Threats

  • Safe Disengagement Strategies

  • Pre-planning and Managing our Response

  • Co-worker Support

  • Personal Safety Concepts and Strategies

  • Safe Response to Robbery

  • Office Lockdown and Response to Armed Assailant

Interactive Learning Experiences

Our learning process utilizes a multimedia approach, in which learners experience engaging video review and analysis, pre and post training surveys, numerous interactive exercises, self-assessments as well as knowledge tests.

Take a Look!

Don't Just Take Our Word for It!

Career Centre

I work in a collaborative team setting, therefore I think the course was a good overview of how to support one another in challenging situations with clients.

Kalesnikoff Mass Timber & Lumber

My choices can impact escalation or de-escalation. Personal awareness level impacts personal risk. Learned how to handle situations more effectively.

Camden Consulting

It was a good overview for a virtual course. Also a good length of time to complete it. It makes it practical for workers to take time to learn these skills.

Three Corners Health

I enjoyed the role play videos a lot, and that the expectations were realistic. The training didn't focus on 'hey just don't be mad when someone swears at you', understanding that things can escalate on the employees side too and having realistic expectations and strategies. Very nice and relatable.

City of Kamloops

Thank you for the great course! Super insightful!


Good, thorough course and can be completed in a time efficient manner.


It taught me skills to stay calm and handle a violent situation at work.


Violence can be effectively dealt with given the right tools, including training, attitude, and effective utilization of proper methods.


I enjoyed the practical framework provided here to help with preparation, mindset and approaches to potentially violent situations. Scenarios were applicable to personal and work situations helping with overall awareness. Thank you!


  • Regulatory Compliance

    There is an opportunity to review Provincial and Territorial definitions and regulations for workplace violence, as well as employees' and employers' rights and responsibilities.

  • Enhance Personal Safety + Confidence

    This training recognizes that we have choices in how we respond to potential conflict and violence. With personal safety as a priority, workers are more likely to make safe and effective choices during public interactions.

  • Reduced Employee Stress & Incidents of Workplace Violence

    When provided with the confidence and practical tools to respond to and safely manage customer behaviours throughout the continuum of conflict, employees often experience reduced personal stress, enhanced safety and increased service motivation.


Thinking of putting through a number of employees? We offer bulk pricing for larger groups. Please contact us through the email link below for more details.

Training Specialists

ARETE Training

Founded in 1992, ARETE Safety and Protection Inc. (pronounced – a ‘reh tay) has developed a unique approach to the prevention and management of workplace violence and conflict, setting us apart as the industry leader. ARETE has trained organizations throughout North America, from coast to coast, for thirty years. ARETE workshops receive acclaim as the most relevant, effective, and well-researched programs available; consistently praised for having a profoundly positive and empowering impact on participants’ work and personal lives.

Interested in Live Training for your Team?

Contact us to today to book an interactive webinar or in-person session with one of our highly-experienced training specialists.

[email protected] | 1-877-337-1122

Give your Team the Tools They Need to Respond Safely and Effectively